In the holidays, I have done alot of things. So let me show you
2 weeks ago, I was playing Minecraft with my friends from greymouth. We made a world of creative because we had alot of amazing ideas
My friends did alot of things like making Rick and Morty's house, or making a concert of 21 pilots. But i did a spynx and a dragon
(the dragon was custom by me)
1 week ago. I was going to greymouth because i wanted to see how my friend's house looked like and it was small but good to sleep in and play Xbox in.
Then My friend showed me the game's called Gang Beasts, Ultimate Chicken horse, and Crash Kart Racing

Hello, Taylor Sam here I really like your blog post it reminds me when I went to Picton and I got to play Mini golf it was really fun. From what I have seen there is only a little bit of things you should add in your blog like more details on the mini golf course and how you did.