
Thursday, 29 July 2021

If Christchurch hosted the Olympics...

 Hello everyone

Today I was partnered with my friend Xaviar to make a mascot if Christchurch hosted the Olympics.

here is the result


I hope you all like it and I will see you soon. Bye

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

 1.  what is another word for apartheid - discrimination

2. Why do protesters need helmets - Safty of not getting stabbed or shot in the head

3. Why do the Maori all-blacks hate being called honorary whites? - Because it's saying that they are white but they are not

4.  Why was the hamilton games canceled? - Anti-protesters made an ambush to the tours in the match

5.  Was the protest successful? - (I don't know, I just need a bit more info)

6. did the protest in NZ help with Nelson Mandela's cause? - My opinion would be No. it did not help

Thursday, 15 July 2021

Just Perfect Minecarft Logic


Just plain Minecraft logic that makes ur brain hurt

Thursday, 8 July 2021

Clmate change is a lie - FALSE

Climate change is a lie - FALSE

Climate change is real. If you don't believe me, Check out this.

Scientists know that the atmosphere (the air we breathe in) is warming up with Carbon dioxide.

As the air gets more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the trees can't take in that much. With more trees dying, the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is growing faster.  


People are making it worse. Because people are wanting more land, making the trees either turn to paper or wooden planks. This is called deforestation and it's happening RIGHT NOW!

For more information about deforestation, Click this link

Number 2 - The oceans will rise because Antarctica is melting, making coastlines sink. Here's why.

  • As the air gets warmer and more trees and plants that make oxygen die, the ice caps on Antarctica or on the north pole will start melting


  • Scientists have discovered that each year the oceans rise about 3mm

Source: BBC News

The final part of my argument is that Extreme weather is more common than ever. Here’s why.

  • A few months ago, remember when Ashburton got that big flood? It's still there today
  • Tornados are hitting the pacific more common than in the 20th century

Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Political Parties

 During term 2 Me, Patrick, Jared and Liyah made a parties for our "election" we called ourselfs Creative communities

We made a speech and a poster about our goals and what we needm to do

We needed people to make ideas to make the climate better

so today when we spoke our speech, everyone loved it. We have won the task

Journey of heat chemistry

This term we have done chemistry and i liked it a lot.

Conduction - Conduction is when heat moves into a cold space

We did an experiment where we would put drawing tacks with Vaseline and heated a metal rod up. the tacks dropped 

Convection - Is when heat makes a light material rise up 

we did an experiment where we would drop a potassium crystal into a straw and as the purple liquid floated and moved to the other side 

Contraction -  contraction is where something squeezes itself making it contract

We did en experiment where we heated a ball on a stick and a metal ring on a stick. the heated ball and the water made the ball shrink

Expansion - Expansion is where something grows bigger or becomes bigger, much like the big bang 

Same with that other experiment we heated the ball up that made it expand

Heat is where particles moves with a lot of energy this makes heat spread